summary | ||
public |
Run-Length Encoding for numerical data. |
summary | ||
public |
C Queue A FIFO queue. |
public |
C Terrain The terrain system. |
public |
The Deserializable contract. |
public |
The Disposable contract. |
public |
The Serializable contract. |
public |
The TransferableContainer contract. |
public |
Signals the occurrence of an unexpected error. |
public |
Signals the end of an extraction task. |
public |
Signals the start of an extraction task. |
public |
V load: TerrainEvent Signals the end of a volume data loading process. |
public |
Signals the end of a modification task. |
public |
Signals the start of a modification task. |
summary | ||
public |
A clipmap event. |
public |
C Event An event. |
public |
An SDF loader event. |
public |
A terrain event. |
public |
A worker event. |
summary | ||
public |
An isosurface, the result of a contouring process. |
summary | ||
public |
Dual Contouring is an isosurface extraction technique that was originally presented by Tao Ju in 2002: |
public |
An edge mask for cell processing. |
public |
A face mask for cell processing. |
public |
An edge mask. |
public |
V edgeProcEdgeMask: Array<Uint8Array[]> An edge mask for edge processing. |
public |
V faceMap: Uint8Array[] A face map. |
public |
V faceProcEdgeMask: Array<Uint8Array[]> An edge mask for face processing. |
public |
V faceProcFaceMask: Array<Uint8Array[]> A face mask for face processing. |
public |
V procEdgeMask: Uint8Array[] An edge mask. |
summary | ||
public |
An SDF loader. |
public |
A load event. |
summary | ||
public |
A sparse, cubic voxel octree. |
public |
A voxel octant. |
summary | ||
public |
A world octant that doesn't reside in LOD zero. This octant is a container for resampled volume data. Additionally, it stores information about the existence of its potential children. |
public |
A design for octant keys. |
public |
A key range iterator. |
public |
A world octant. |
public |
A world octant identifier. |
public |
A world octant iterator. |
public |
A world octant wrapper that stores positional information. |
public |
An octree that subdivides space for fast spatial searches. |
public |
A world octree CSG operation manager. |
public |
A world octree raycaster. |
summary | ||
public |
A collection of binary number utilities. |
summary | ||
public |
C Edge An edge between two material grid points. |
public |
C EdgeData Stores edge data separately for each dimension. |
public |
An edge iterator. |
public |
Hermite data. |
public |
A Hermite data helper. |
public |
C Voxel A cubic voxel that holds information about the surface of a volume. |
public |
An enumeration of material constants. |
summary | ||
public |
Constructive Solid Geometry combines Signed Distance Functions by using Boolean operators to generate and transform volume data. |
public |
An operation that describes a density field. |
public |
A difference operation. |
public |
An intersection operation. |
public |
A CSG operation. |
public |
C Union A union operation. |
public |
An enumeration of CSG operation types. |
summary | ||
public |
Fractal noise based on Perlin's technique. |
public |
A Signed Distance Function that describes a heightfield. |
public |
An SDF reviver. |
public |
An abstract Signed Distance Function. |
public |
The super primitive. |
public |
An enumeration of SDF types. |
public |
An enumeration of super primitive presets. |
summary | ||
public |
A volume data processor. |
public |
A surface extractor that generates a polygonal mesh from Hermite data. |
public |
Manages worker threads. |
public |
A modifier that applies CSG operations to Hermite data. |
public |
An enumeration of worker actions. |
public |
A worker message event. |
summary | ||
public |
A configuration message. |
public |
A worker message that contains transferable data. |
public |
An extraction request. |
public |
An extraction response. |
public |
C Message A message. |
public |
A modification request. |
public |
A modification response. |