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import {SingularValueDecomposition} from 'rabbit-hole'
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A Singular Value Decomposition solver.

Decomposes the given linear system into the matrices U, D and V and solves the equation: U D V^T x = b.

See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SingularValueDecomposition.html for more information.

Static Method Summary

Static Public Methods
public static

solve(ata: SymmetricMatrix3, atb: Vector3, x: Vector3)

Performs the Singular Value Decomposition to solve the given linear system.

Static Public Methods

public static solve(ata: SymmetricMatrix3, atb: Vector3, x: Vector3) source

Performs the Singular Value Decomposition to solve the given linear system.


ata SymmetricMatrix3

ATA. Will not be modified.

atb Vector3

ATb. Will not be modified.

x Vector3

A target vector to store the result in.