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import {TransferableContainer} from 'rabbit-hole'
public interface | source


The TransferableContainer contract.

Implemented by objects that can list their internal transferable objects.

Method Summary

Public Methods

createTransferList(transferList: Array): Transferable[]

Creates a list of transferable items.

Public Methods

public createTransferList(transferList: Array): Transferable[] source

Creates a list of transferable items.

The Transferable interface represents an object that can be transferred between different execution contexts, like the main thread and Web Workers.

For example, Worker.postMessage() takes an optional array of Transferable objects to transfer ownership of. If the ownership of an object is transferred, it becomes unusable (neutered) in the context it was sent from and becomes available only to the worker it was sent to. Transferable objects are instances of classes like ArrayBuffer, MessagePort or ImageBitmap.


transferList Array
  • optional

An optional target list. The transferable items will be added to this list.



The transfer list. Null is not an acceptable value for the transferList.